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What is a Honeypot

Posted by hailsa on October 11, 2021

A HoneyPot is a system trap or lure, is a cybersecurity tool arranged on a network or computer system to be the target of a possible computer attack, and be able to detect it and get information from it and the attacker. The term honeypot refers to a security structure or mechanism that is built to divert attackers. In other words, a honeypot is there to distract attackers from the organization's valuable assets.

Honeypot can be defined as a system that is connected to the network. It is programmed to be a decoy. It attracts hackers and wastes their time while trying to gain unauthorized access to the organization's network or systems.

Main Objetives

The main objectives of honeypots are to divert malicious traffic away from important systems, receive early warning of a current attack before attacks on critical systems occur, and gather information about the attacker and attack methods.

Al engañar a un ciberdelincuente para que lleve a cabo su ataque en un sistema no crítico y bien supervisado, se puede obtener información valiosa sobre sus métodos de ataque y se puede recopilar información con fines forenses o legales.

Types of Honeypot

  • Production Honeypot
  • Research Honeypot
  • Physical
  • Virtual
  • Low interaction
  • High interaction